Nancy Ann Wiley, age 74, of Lincoln, Nebraska, died on October 31, 2020. Born January 19, 1946 to William and Janice Wiley, Nancy was a life-long resident of Lincoln. She graduated from Lincoln Southeast High School in 1965. Nancy as a volunteer at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital.
Nancy is survived by her brother William Wiley and sister-in-law Nadine Wiley. She was preceded in death by her parents.
Funeral services were held on November 5, 2020. Memorials can be made to the family for future designation. Condolences can be left online at
Jane Wescott (Bailey)
Nancy was a friend of mine and lived near me during our Sheridan school days. She was genuinely a sweet person and a trusted friend. I have wonderful memories of our friendship and am grieved that she is gone.
Jennifer Seyler (Jacobs)
Nancy was a dear sweet person. It's a shame more people didn't take the time to know her quiet and caring nature. I would imagine she was well suited to working with elderly in a care facilty. She had a generous heart.
Bruce Watson
Rest in peace Nancy. Thanks for being who you are. This reminds me that there are people I haven't contacted in a while that I need to.
Carol Thompson (Miller)
Nancy sat near me in several classes as we sat alphabetically. She always had a sweet smile on her face and was kind and gentle. The world will miss her kindness and compassion. Peace be with you. Carol Miller
Mary Lynn Durrie (Reiser)
As an adult, Nancy and her mother lived in the apartment above my Mom in Lincoln. When I would come to visit they would often come down for a visit. Nancy loved to bake and she would always make something special. She never lost her sweet personality and I have fun memories of those times.
Sonnie Wittmann (Muller)
Nancy was a truly seeet and kind person. I appreciate getting to be a friend in school and at Madonna.