Lincoln Southeast High School
Class of 1965
50 Year Reunion Reflections
Thoughts About the 50th Reunion ---
There are many reflections posted on the site that can be seen at the "What's New" page. Bob Danley had an especially thoughtful take on our reunion so it is copied here:
Reflections........... What a weekend!! As it was ending last night I was plopped into a chair thinking about what had just happened over the last 2 days. What an incredible group of people.. Classmates!! From every walk of life, I just marveled at what this group of people has accomplished: how many went into the service, how many went to war, the educators, instructor's of every type, college professor's, department chairs, business owners, large & small, men & women. Doctor's, Dentists, Attorney's, Accountants, Artist's, Airline Pilot's, Fighter Pilot's, Captain's of ships, Captain's of Industry.. McCormick, I think there are even 2 Realtor's? Really!! Oh & so much more... When they gave us those diploma's & sent our class out into the world, we grabbed it and ran.. We truly did not ask "what our Country could do for us" we went out and did what we could do for Country, our Family's & Ourselves.. 93% of our class went on to higher education, are you kidding me?? We as a whole are a grand accomplishment, we should be proud of ourselves. We came, we learned, we traveled the globe, we helped our fellow travelers, we have helped those in need, we have indeed made this a better place, and we have led, we are something... Thank You to all who were able to come enjoy, I hope many more continue to sign up on our website. For those unable to attend I hope you join the conversation, just as I have seen Doug & Shirley just join (we missed You both, for way too many years), and I hope to see hundreds of pictures posted to the site very soon.. Maybe we will not wait so long to do this again. I think it is time to BRING THE BAND BACK... Thanks again to everyone, it was a sensational weekend!!! Bob Danley