The 60th Reunion

The 60th Reunion Page

The Agenda
The LSE Class of 1965
60th Reunion
Casual from Beginning to End
May 9-10, 2025

To register: Use the form you received by mail, or request a form via the Contact Us button on this site or at

The Last Hurrah: Lincoln: Past, Present & Future

Friday, May 9, 2025: Casual Attire All Day
10:00 am Tour of Lincoln’s Robbers Cave - Lincoln’s oldest tourist destination, and the city’s one-and-only underground attraction.
Pre-registration strongly recommended. 
[Limit of 30 people – 1st come/1st served/$10/person @ the door.]
925 Robbers Cave Road, Suite B, Lincoln, NE 68502.

Click here for Robbers Cave Info  Click on "About" and/or "History"

1:00 pm Tour of Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed - Voted #1 by USA Today's Readers' Choice Award: Best Attraction for Car Lovers. The museum was formed to present a continuous chronology of automotive racing engines and speed equipment development to preserve, interpret and display  items significant in racing and automotive history. 
Pre-registration is strongly recommended.
[Up to 20 people per group. Can add more groups, as needed. Senior discount-$10/person @ the door.]
599 Oakcreek Drive, Lincoln, NE 68528. 

Click here for Speedway Museum Info

5:30 pm  LSE LHS Classes of '65 Double Date Night. Pre-registration is required. 
Check-In & Cash Bar Opens at the Lincoln Fire Fighters Reception Hall.
241 Victory Lane, Lincoln, NE 68528.

6:00 pm 1960s Favorites Buffet. Opens & Cash Bar Continues (Think Runzas, Lee's Chicken, Tastees & Val's Pizza)
241 Victory Lane, Lincoln, NE 68528.


Saturday, May 10, 2025: Casual Attire Again Today
10:00 am The Pershing Mural-Past, Present & Future - at the Historic Wyuka Stables – Featuring Lincoln’s Own Public Art Advocate Liz Shea-McCoy. Liz chairs the Pershing Mural Historic Preservation Committee.
Wyuka Cemetery and Park was established by the legislature in 1869 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. When installed within Wyuka, the Pershing Mural will be one of the largest free-standing mosaic murals in the world. As an historic Nebraska landmark, its visitors are estimated to exceed 20,000 annually. Education, interpretation and memories - this is what the Pershing Mural represents - as a cultural treasure and iconic work of Nebraska art.
Donuts, juice & coffee. [Can accommodate quite a few. Please pre-register to help us w/seating & refreshments estimates.]
Wyuka Cemetery and Stables, 3600 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68510. 

Click here for Pershing Mural Info

Click here for Wyuka Stables Info

1:30 pm Guided Tour of Lincoln Southeast High School.
Principal Tanner Penrod will meet classmates at the main entrance on 37th Street.
Our alma mater is 70 years old this year. Many renovations were completed between 2006 and 2009. See if you can still spot signs of "our building."


5:30 pm LSE '65 as a Solo Act. Pre-registration is required.
Check-In & Cash Bar Opens at the Firefighers Reception Hall.
241 Victory Lane, Lincoln, NE 68528 [Same Place. Easy to find.] 

6:00 pm Premier Catering Buffet Opens & Cash Bar Continues.
Remarks by Star City Historian Jim McKee, who knows Lincoln better than just about anyone else. [Will Linda come with Jim? Hope so.]
241 Victory Lane, Lincoln, NE 68528.

Displays|50 Yr. Reunion Picture: We still need help to name the classmates|60th Year Raffles with Bill Roux & Tedda Watts| Memories Galore.

Please note: This schedule includes interesting and enjoyable activities. It also includes “on-your-own” breaks. Tour Lincoln on your own or catch forty winks.

Suggested self-guided tour information will be available to help you navigate Lincoln in 2025.

Lodging Block is Open: Rooms Reserved for Nights of
May 8, 9 & 10, 2025. (See Details on Home Page)


Questions??? Please send them to us via the "Contact Us" button on this page or via